HFNJ video

Hunger Free New Jersey’s video spotlights how we can fight hunger together.

Featuring HFNJ Director Adele LaTourette, this short video highlights how important it is to forge a collective approach to solving hunger.

View the video.

We work to boost participation in key federal nutrition programs. We mobilize local communities to address hunger. We educate lawmaker and other decision-makers. And we team up with many partners to lead the charge against hunger in the Garden State.

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Mother, baby, and child buying carrots at grocery store

NJFSI Awards Grant to HFNJ to Advance Health Equity

The New Jersey Food Security Initiative (NJFSI), a collaboration of community organizations and local and state agencies led by the Food Research & Action Center (FRAC) with support from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, today announced it has awarded a $198,612 grant to Hunger Free New Jersey (HFNJ) to bolster food security and improve nutrition to advance health equity across the state.

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