Changing policy and practice
to ensure all New Jerseyans
Have Healthy Food,
Every Single Day

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Fueling Change. Feeding All

Hunger haunts every corner of New Jersey. That’s why a statewide response is critical. Hunger Free New Jersey, a program of Center for Food Action, leads that effort, educating the public and decision-makers about hunger — its causes, its solutions. We mobilize diverse organizations. We push for sweeping changes so every single New Jersey resident has healthy food to eat — every single day.

Kids Breakfast

The 2023 Farm Bill

News About Hunger In New Jersey

Mother, baby, and child buying carrots at grocery store

NJFSI Awards Grant to HFNJ to Advance Health Equity

The New Jersey Food Security Initiative (NJFSI), a collaboration of community organizations and local and state agencies led by the Food Research & Action Center (FRAC) with support from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, today announced it has awarded a $198,612 grant to Hunger Free New Jersey (HFNJ) to bolster food security and improve nutrition to advance health equity across the state.

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Our Top Hunger Solutions

Feeding NJ Kids

Working with partners across New Jersey, Hunger Free New Jersey is advancing efforts that reduce childhood hunger through expanding and linking federal nutrition programs.

Strengthening SNAP

The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, SNAP, aka food stamps) is the nation's first line of defense against hunger. We work to protect and strenthen this important program.

More About Hunger in New Jersey

Faces of Hunger

“We had the American dream. In the blink of an eye, it turned to a nightmare. SNAP gave me peace of mind, knowing my kids wouldn’t go to bed hungry.''

College Hunger

In partnership with NJ’s colleges and universities, we are advancing solutions to campus hunger so students don't have to choose between food and school.

Senior Hunger

Seniors are particularly vulnerable to hunger. Many receive meager assistance or no aid at all. We are working on solutions to senior hunger.