We need your organization’s support to reduce childhood hunger!

Add your organization’s support to a growing list of national, state and community organizations that have signed on to a letter urging Congress and the Biden administration to protect the Build Back Better Act, especially the anti-hunger and anti-poverty provisions.  

This bill makes historic investments in child nutrition programs that can help ensure that children have the nutrition they need to grow and thrive. Deadline: Monday, September 27, COB.

View the letter and add your organization.

Please also share widely with your networks!


The House Build Back Better Act is a historic investment in critically-needed anti-hunger and anti-poverty programs that would ensure children have access to the nutrition they need year-round during and after the impacts from the pandemic.  

This is a critical time to act — deliberations on the overall package are occurring now with House and Senate democratic leadership and administration officials. Any efforts to reduce the overall size and scope of the reconciliation package could severely reduce the effectiveness and impact of the nutrition and anti-poverty provisions. We need Congress to hear from a diverse community of stakeholders from across the country that support for low-income children and their families is non-negotiable.  

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