Emergency Allotments have been provided to all eligible SNAP households monthly since March 2020.
Starting in March 2023, you will only receive your regular monthly benefit amount.
Emergency Allotments are ending because the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2023 ends the issuance of SNAP Emergency Allotments to households in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Additionally, starting in March 2023, all households eligible for SNAP will receive a minimum $50 monthly benefit.
That means if your approved monthly benefit is less than $50, you will receive a supplemental payment to equal $50.
You can check your benefits, change your PIN, report a lost, stolen or damaged card and see your transaction history quickly and securely online at www.njfamiliesfirst.com or on the ConnectEBT app. The same username and password is used for both and can be set up either on the website or on the app. You will need to verify your identity when you set up your account. The ConnectEBT app is free and available in English and Spanish. You can download it in the Apple App Store or the Google Play Store.
You also can call customer service at 1-800-997-3333, however, they may be experiencing higher call volumes, so please be patient. Please do not check your balance at the grocery store where cashiers may be very busy.
If you are worried about this reduction in benefits, you should find out what other food assistance programs you may be eligible for including WIC for women and children under 5, free or reduced school meals, or the commodity supplemental food program for adults 60 years of age and over. Visit www.nj211.org/njsnap to find more information and resources.