Listen in to the Subcommittee on Food and Nutrition’s SNAP Hearing!

On Wednesday, April 19, the Senate Subcommittee on Food and Nutrition will be hosting a hearing on SNAP and other nutritional assistance in the Farm Bill.

SNAP is the nation’s largest federal nutrition program and is an important safety net for 43 million food insecure Americans. SNAP serves people of all ages and all types of communities–rural, urban, and suburban.

Four in five SNAP households (81%) have a child, a person aged 60 or older or a person with disabilities. SNAP also has positive economic impacts. Each $1 in SNAP during a downturn generates between $1.50 and $1.80 in economic activity that is felt throughout the food chain–from farmers and ranchers, food manufacturers and truckers, to grocers and store employees.

To watch the committee live, check out this livestream on April 19th at 12pm.

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NJFSI Awards Grant to HFNJ to Advance Health Equity

The New Jersey Food Security Initiative (NJFSI), a collaboration of community organizations and local and state agencies led by the Food Research & Action Center (FRAC) with support from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, today announced it has awarded a $198,612 grant to Hunger Free New Jersey (HFNJ) to bolster food security and improve nutrition to advance health equity across the state.

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