Creating Nourishing Communities
Grassroots Organizing
Communities team up to feed kids
Hunger Free New Jersey helps community partners team up to feed kids in their own backyard. From grassroots organizing to assisting with the implementation of successful child nutrition programs, HFNJ can help your community claim federal dollars to feed kids. Here are some of the results of that work. To learn more, contact Lisa Pitz at

Dover teams up to serve summer meals
A group of Dover community organizations wanted to feed children in the summer. So they teamed up. The Town of Dover provided the meals, which are served at St. John’s Episcopal Church. To attract more children, various community organizations provided activities, including Patriots’ Path Council, Boy Scouts of America, Zufall Health and the local fire department. Launched in 2019, the program was a huge success, drawing 50 children each day, giving them healthy food and fun activities. The town continues to build on this successful program, partnering with the school district and other organizations to feed Dover kids in the summer.

Englewood pairs pool and lunch
The Englewood Park and Recreation Department teamed up with the Community Food Bank of New Jersey to serve up summer meals at the local pool.
With assistance from Hunger Free New Jersey, the new program was marketed through a variety of organizations, including Center for Food Action, the Englewood Public Library, Bergen Family Center, Women’s Rights and Information Center and the City of Englewood. A kickoff event with Englewood Mayor Michael Wildes helped boost attendance at this new program, which launched in 2019. Englewood continues to expand summer meals service to its children through these successful partnerships.

Serving up breakfast after the bell
Working with school officials, Hunger Free New Jersey helps towns across New Jersey move from serving breakfast before school to serving it during the first few minutes of the school day. Serving breakfast during the school day significantly boosts student participation. New Jersey’s high-poverty schools are now required to serve breakfast after the bell. For information or help in advocating in your community, contact HFNJ’s Outreach Director Lisa Pitz at