Afterschool Meals

How do afterschool meals work?
Schools, local government and community organizations sign on to be an afterschool meals sponsor and provide food to sites in a community or communities. Sites must provide afterschool activities for children, such as physical recreation or enrichment programs. Most aferschool meals sites are schools and afterschool programs operated by community organizations or municipalities. Sponsors are reimbursed by the federal government for each meal served. The program is administered on the state level by the New Jersey Department of Agriculture.
The state of Afterschool Meals in New Jersey
Supper is on the menu in a growing number of New Jersey communities. Hunger Free NJ's first-ever afterschool meals report found a 34 percent increase in the number of children served suppers. Despite this progress, we're still reaching just 6 percent of children who could benefit from the afterschool nutrition..

NJ Afterschool Meals Success Stories
Here’s a look at a handful of the many New Jersey communities tapping into federal dollars to feed kids afterschool suppers.
Kids Cafes
The Community Food Bank of NJ is serving up suppers in communities across the state.
The Newark School District feeds children in its schools and across the city.
Dinner is an essential service to students and parents alike.
Paterson continues to expand afterschool supper program.
Capital Area YMCA
Dinners are a community partnership in Trenton.
View afterschool meals data for all NJ participating communities.