Spread the Word about Summer Meals!
Use the resources on this page to help NJ parents find summer meals in their communities. This page includes social media & e-mail messages, a statewide flyer, downloadable graphics and more.
Re: Summer meals rock in (community name)
Great news! Healthy, tasty meals are available free to all (community name) children and teens 18 and younger at (#) locations this summer. Parents can pick up meals at designated times. Many sites will be distributing multiple meals at one time. No I.D., application or proof of income needed. Simply swing by to pick up healthy food for your kids this summer.
Find locations and dates/times here. (Link to webpage with list of all sites, hours of operation and meals served at each site).
(Can add info about promotions or themes here).
Looking forward to a safe, healthy summer!
This summer, our community is offering tasty, nutritious meals to all children and teens ages 18 and younger. These free meals will be distributed AT sites throughout our community. No I.D., application or proof of income is needed. Just visit one of our meal sites and pick up healthy food for your children this summer. Visit (webpage url) to find a location near you.
Summer meals rock in (community name). Tasty, healthy meals available free to all (community name) children and teens 18 and under at (#) locations. No I.D., application or proof of income required. Visit (webpage url) to find a location near you.
Summer Meals Rock in (community name)
Dear Editor,
To help (community name)’s children and teens have a healthy, safe summer, our community is offering tasty, nutritious meals at (#) locations this summer. Meals are free to all children and teens ages 18 and younger. Parents can pick up meals at designated times. Many sites will be distributing multiple meals at one time. No I.D., application or proof of income needed. We are inviting parents, family members and others to simply swing by to pick up healthy food for your kids this summer.
This program is sponsored by XX in partnership with XX.
Good summertime nutrition helps all of our children stay healthy and well, while contributing to the overall health of our community.
Locations, dates and times of meal service and/or distribution can be found at (url of webpage with list of locations). We look forward to a safe and healthy summer.
Letter Writer’s Name/Affiliation/Phone Number
(Community Name) serving free summer meals for kids
To promote health and wellness, (community name) is serving tasty, nutritious meals to all children and teen, ages 18 and under, this summer at (#) locations throughout the community.
“We are happy to be able to provide this important nutritional program to our children and teens this summer,’’ said (Quote mayor, superintendent or summer meal sponsor). “This community-wide effort helps ensure all children have healthy food to eat all summer long. We invite all families to participate in this program.’’
Parents do not need to complete an application or provide identification or proof of income, according to federal rules. The meals meet USDA nutrition standards, which call for protein, fruits and vegetables, juice or milk and low-fat, low-sugar options. This program is sponsored by XX in partnership with XX.
Meals will be served at the following locations:
(List locations/dates/times of service and meals being served. If this list is very long, you may want to direct readers to your webpage with a list of sites).
For more information, contact (sponsor contact information) or visit (web url with site locations/hours).
Summer meals rock for (community name) kids
To promote health and wellness, (community name) is serving tasty, nutritious meals to all children and teen, ages 18 and under, this summer at (#) locations throughout the community.
Parents do not need to complete an application or provide identification or proof of income, according to federal rules. The meals must meet USDA nutrition standards, which call for protein, fruits and vegetables, juice or milk and low-fat, low-sugar options. This program is sponsored by XX in partnership with XX.
Meals will be served at the following locations:
(List locations/dates/times of service and meals being served. If this list is very long, you may want to direct readers to your webpage with a list of sites).
We need to spread the word about Summer Meals Rock in (community name)! Please share this blog with your friends, neighbors, e-networks and post on social media.
Working together, we can ensure that all (community name) children receive the nutrition they need to stay healthy this summer.
Questions? Contact X
Social media is a powerful way to spread the word about summer meals. Here are posts and downloadable images. Just copy, paste and post one a week all summer. Or, better yet, customize to advertise your menus, pics, activities and promotions each week! While we have listed the national summer meal sitefinder in these posts, if you have a webpage listing your sites, we suggest linking to that page instead.
Summer meals rock for NJ kids! Children and teens can receive FREE meals all summer at sites across NJ. Most sites provide grab-n-go meals so parents can just pick up meals & stay safe! Find meal sites at summerfoodrocks.org or text “food” to 877-877. #NJSummerMeals
To help families this summer, communities across the state are serving up free grab-n-go meals for kids and teens. Tasty & healthy! Find meal sites at summerfoodrocks.org or text “food” to 877-877. #NJSummerMeals
Delicious & healthy meals for children & teens all summer long at thousands of sites throughout NJ. At most sites, parents can just pick up meals & go. Find meal sites at summerfoodrocks.org or text “food” to 877-877. #NJSummerMeals
Help your kids stay healthy this summer with free nutritious meals served up at thousands of sites throughout NJ. At most sites, parents can just pick up meals & go. Find meal sites at summerfoodrocks.org or text “food” to 877-877. #NJSummerMeals
It’s simple to find free healthy summer meals for kids in your town. Text “food” to 877 877! #NJSummerMeals
Hey parents! Looking for a way to keep your kids healthy this summer? Pick up free, nutritious meals at schools, parks and other community sites in thousands of locations across NJ. Find meal sites at summerfoodrocks.org or text “food” to 877-877. #NJSummerMeals
Kids and teens can get FREE meals all summer long at sites across the community. Please share and help spread the word. Find meal sites at summerfoodrocks.org or text “food” to 877-877. #NJSummerMeals
Don’t let summer be the hungriest time of the year. Healthy summer meals being served up in your neighborhood. Parents can just grab meals and go at many sites. Find meal sites at summerfoodrocks.org or text “food” to 877-877. #NJSummerMeals
Help spread the word about #NJSummerMeals so children and teens eat right this summer! FREE meals that follow USDA nutrition guidelines are available in your community. Find meal sites at summerfoodrocks.org or text “food” to 877-877. #NJSummerMeals
FREE #NJSummerMeals are no hassle! Parents don’t need to apply & many sites are serving grab-n-go meals to keep children and parents safe. Free summer meals help stretch tight family budgets. Find meal sites at summerfoodrocks.org or text “food” to 877-877.
@USDA funds free #NJSummerMeals 4 kids & teens! Find meal sites in your community at summerfoodrocks.org or text “food” to 877-877. Spread the word!
Free #NJSummerMeals help kids & teens get food they need 2 stay healthy in the summer. Find meal sites at summerfoodrocks.org or text “food” to 877-877. Spread the word!
Studies show kids at high risk for hunger and obesity during summer. Free #NJSummerMeals combat summertime hunger. Find meal sites at summerfoodrocks.org or text “food” to 877-877. Spread the word! Pls. share!
Healthy meals = healthy kids. Make sure kids in your community know where to find #NJSummerMeals. Find meal sites at summerfoodrocks.org or text “food” to 877-877. Spread the word!
Looking for free meals for kids in your area? Text FOOD to 877877 for a message telling you the closest location where food is available.
FREE summer meals are no hassle! Parents don’t need to apply & many sites are serving grab-n-go meals to keep everyone safe. Find meal sites at summerfoodrocks.org or text “food” to 877-877. Spread the word!
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