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Several federal programs, operated by New Jersey state agencies, provide food assistance to families across the state. This can be cash assistance or free meals. Families and individuals may qualify for more than one program. So, if your children are receiving free or low-cost school meals, you may very likely also qualify for SNAP (aka food stamps) or other food aid. Below is info about the various programs, along with links where you can find more information or apply. To our many partners, please share this page on your social media platforms and website to help more NJ residents find assistance. Scroll down to find graphics and a downloadable flyer.
How do I apply for NJ SNAP?
The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP, aka food stamps) provides benefits on a card similar to a debit card. Children and families, older adults, people with disabilities, veterans and others may be eligible, depending on household income.
Are my kids eligible for free school meals?
Most New Jersey schools participate in the National School Lunch Program and a good number participate in the Federal School Breakfast Program. Contact your school district for an application. Eligibility depends on household income.
Child care meals
Child care centers and family child care providers can serve free meals to children in their care under the Child and Adult Care Food Program. Check with your child care provider to see if they participate or would consider participating.
Help for pregnant women, young children
The New Jersey Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women Infants and Children, commonly known as WIC, provides wholesome food, nutrition education and community support for pregnant and post-partum women and infants and children up to five years old.
Summer Meals
Each summer, when school is out and children do not receive school meals, communities across New Jersey serve free meals to children. Check with your school or town or visit
Visit NJ Helps
To see if you are eligible for food stamps, cash assistance & health insurance
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